Each event at Queensland Country Bank Stadium has slightly different traffic and transport plans. Options may include walking, taxi, rideshare, private vehicles, private/charter bus services or park and ride shuttles.  All options are subject to event operation requirements. Event day operations are also subject to road closures and changed traffic conditions.

Please visit your desired event page/s for more information specific to that event via the What's On page.

Getting Here on an Event Day


The best way to get to the venue is by getting your steps up and walking to the stadium. There are purpose built walking paths that bring you right into the precinct:

  • Lowths Bridge (approximately 250m to Gate A);
  • Victoria Street Bridge onto Central Park Boardwalk (approximately 700m to Gate A); or
  • Little Fletcher Pedestrian Bridge (approximatley 600m to Gate E).
Walking To The Stadium.jpg

Park & Ride Shuttle Bus

Pending event requirements there may be a FREE Park and Ride Shuttle Bus Service running from Lou Litster Park.

Access to Lou Litster Park is via Charters Towers Road onto Brodie Street. Please refer to the event you are wishing to travel to for operating times.

This is approximately 150m from Gate D.

  Lou Litster Park Access
Rideshare and Private Drop Off Map

Rideshare & Drop Off

Pending event requirements there may be an established rideshare zone on the Dean Street Car Park side of Morey Street.

Note: this is available to both rideshare and private vehicle drop offs.

This is approximately 500m from Gate A.

Rideshare and Private Drop Off Map

Translink Buses

Translink operate Townsville's public transport buses.  Visit the Translink website to use their Journey Planner feature for your event day travel.

These buses drop guests off at the Ogden Street Bus Hub which is approximatley 550m from Gate A.

Ogeden Street Bus Hub To The Stadium.jpg

Private Bus Parking

Pending event requirements there may be an established private bus and/or charter bus parking zone along the Central Park side of Dean Street.

This is approximately 400m from Gate A.

Booking is required.

Charter Bus Drop Off

Buses (up to 22 seats) are able to drop off and pick up inside the Dean Street Car Park.  Access into the Dean Street Car Park is via the Rooney Street entry.

This is approximately 500m from Gate A.

No bookings required.

Dean Street Bus Parking.jpg

Taxi Rank

Pending event requirements there may be an established taxi rank zone along Central Park side of Dean Street.

The taxi rank zone is approximatley 300m from Gate A.

Bike Racks

There are two identified bike racks at the stadium.

The North Bike Rack is located near the Johnathan Thurston statue; and the South Bike Rack is located in the plaza nearest to Gate F.

Full Transport Map

Getting to Stadium Map.png

Accessible Transport Options

Please visit the Accessibility page for more information regarding all things Accessibility at Queensland Country Bank Stadium.

Accessible Parking Application

For event days, there are a limited number of accessible parking spaces available on a pre-booked ONLY basis for vehicles with Australian Disability Parking permits.

Car Parking spaces are subject to availability and submitting the application form does not guarantee a parking pass.

Accessibility Drop Off & Pick Up

A dedicated accessibility zone is established on Pride Close for pick up and drop off.  This zone can be used by taxi's or private vehicles; for guests who have accessibility requirements.

This drop off/pick up zone is closest to Gate D and Gate E.

This is approximately 200m from Gate E.

Park and Ride Shuttle Bus Service

Pending event requirements there may be a FREE Park and Ride Shuttle Bus Service running from Lou Litster Park.

Access to Lou Litster Park is via Charters Towers Road onto Brodie Street.  Please refer to the event you are wishing to travel to for operating times.

There is dedicated accessibility-friendly parking closest to the bus pick up and drop off point at Lou Litster Park.

The Shuttle Bus Drop Off and Pick Up at the stadium is closest to Gate D.

This is approximately 150m from Gate D.

  Lou Lister Park Access
Rideshare and Private Drop Off Map

Townsville City Parking

Stadium Traffic Area and Resident Parking Permits

Townsville City Council has implemented a Regulated Parking Permit Scheme during certain events in Townsville in ensure residents are still able to park on their streets during events and to help minimise the impact event patrons have on surrounding suburbs.

For more information please visit the Townsville City Council website by clicking the button below.